Fort   Strong  

fort ('strong[hold]'): fort, forte (point fort)
forteresse (small fort): fortress  Cité: Town
fortitude ('strength'): fortitude
fortifier ('to make strong'): to fortify, fortification (fortification)
force ('strength'): force, forcible (forcé, vigoureux)
force majeure (superior force): force majeure  Grand: Big
forcer ('to impose by force'): to force, to enforce (renforcer, soutenir), enforcement (contrainte, application)
conforter ('to fortify', to cheer up): to comfort (réconforter), comfort (confort), comfortable (confortable), discomfort (inconfort)
effort ('using strength'): effort
renforcer ('to strengthen'): to reinforce, reinforcement (renfort)

solide (strong, firm): solid, solidity (solidité)
solidarité ('a strong whole'): solidarity
soudard ('[fighter paid with] solid [coins]'): soldier (soldat)

 Faible: Weak

Es fuerte (strong), fuerza (strength)
It forte (strong, forte), fortissimo ('very strong'. fortissimo), forza (strength), solido (solid), soldo (solidus, money), soldato (soldier)
Po forte (strong)

Beau: Pretty
Faible: Weak
Fort: Strong
Léger: Light
Grave: Heavy
Pointu: Sharp

© Renaud Bouret